Friday, August 2, 2024

Kristiansand, Norway - Pt 2

Of course I took many more photos at the Open Air Museum but I've probably posted too many already. The bottom line is that we found it interesting and enjoyed the outing very much.

From the museum, we were driven to another area (maybe Hollen?) where we walked down a lovely street where every white house had a picket fence and every garden and yard were manicured to a "t" with various blooming flowers. This time I wasn't the only one snapping pictures! We walked past a small store/bakery where we could smell cinnamon rolls baking and of course I had to have one. We walked down to a parking area near the water where we re-boarded our bus back into the central part of the city. 

Here are some of my favorites from this area.


every house a picket fence and flowers


many flowers try to escape their yard

Ronnie visiting with a local on a bike


lots of personal crafts in this little inlet

another view


Ronnie with "Gort" (scifi robot)

Once back at the central part of the city, we walked down the cobblestone street and went inside the Kristiansand Cathedral (Lutheran) where I of course snapped a few more photos.


Kristiansand Cathedral

altar area

pipe organ (upper level)


We continued walking down the main street where lots of visitors were milling around. There were vendors tents offering various items, restaurants, etc. 


lots of locals as well as guests

you hungry?

can you spot Ronnie?

not sure what these are

in front of sidewalk cafe

too good to be true!

Believe it or not, we came upon a Mexican restaurant (in Norway!!) on our way back to the ship. Ronnie and I have had a bet going that involved $10 and dinner at a Mexican food restaurant. After 3 weeks of only ship food, I decided to call in my bet so we ate there, even though a plate of nachos (him) and chicken, beans, rice and salad (me) set us back $50. And that was with water only. Oh well, sometimes you gotta do what you gotta do! We sat on their patio and this was our view as we ate our lunch.


1 comment:

  1. Barb: you always make me laugh, Jan! I am glad you got your "fix". And I understand it! I have decided the flowers there are so brilliant in color because the UV is lower, and the summer growing season has more daylight hours. The cool air at night keeps them blooming too. They must start plants in hothouses. I love these places with pedestrian streets. Do your feet hurt with all the cobblestones?
