Friday, August 16, 2024

A day in Amsterdam, the Netherlands

We docked around 8:30 or so this rainy Friday morning in Amsterdam. Thankfully we hadn't booked an excursion today and didn't really have anything planned, so we spent a lazy morning around the ship. We ordered room service breakfast and the guy showed up with enough food for 4 people! Apparently someone (likely kids) thought it would be hilarious to go around adding items to people's breakfast orders (these are left on doors at bedtime). So what arrived was 3 boiled eggs, probably 1/2 dozen slices of bacon, pancakes with maple syrup and butter, wheat toast, a chocolate croissant (guilty, I did order that one), frosted mini-wheat cereal, yogurt, fresh fruit, coffee, tea, milk, prune juice and tomato juice. I tried telling the person who delivered it that we really did not order all of that food!

Needless to say, we ate what we could so we weren't hungry before leaving the ship around noon. By that time, it had stopped raining so we walked from the cruise terminal to a nearby Hop On/Hop Off location to catch the bus for a ride around the city. We considered going to visit a cat cafe (yes, this is a real thing) but it was still a 20+ minute walk from the closest drop-off point that I really didn't want to walk, so we decided to just complete the 10-stop route and get off at the drop-off point nearest the ship. 

Unfortunately, it's hard to get decent photos through a bus window while riding in heavy traffic, so there's not a lot to show for today. But we at least hit some of the high points of the city through a bus window.


arrival in cruise port, Amsterdam

Ronnie titled this "Old Woman in a Shoe"  ha!

cruise port, Amsterdam


outside a group gets ready for a bike tour

got our tickets, map and ear pieces

Hop On/Hop Off - our ride around the city


I wish I could have snapped better pictures of them, but we saw quite a few of these very small cars driving around the city. Try to compare their size to the bicycle next to them. Now these are what I call tiny cars!! 

compare car size to bicycle

see why I call them tiny cars?


There are more bikes than people in Amsterdam. Even the bike lanes are two-way with a stripe down the middle! Pedestrians have separate walking lanes. Bicycling is a normal part of life for the Dutch, whether they are going to work or to play. There are plenty of places for visitors to rent bikes or take bike tours. Bike theft is very common in the Netherlands and cyclists are wise to lock them up. They ride rain or shine and we saw many of the cyclists' umbrellas come out during a rain shower this afternoon. Most do not wear helmets, nor are they required to.

Here are 10 rules for riding a bike in the Netherlands.

2/3 of daily transportation is by bicycle

supposedly there are 881,000 bicycles in Amsterdam

the famous Rijksmuseum

apartments line canal

While cruise passengers were out and about exploring the city, ship personnel were busy unloading and re-stocking supplies at the dock. A police officer and her K-9 dog were carefully going around all the deliveries to ensure there was nothing suspicious coming on board.

re-stocking supplies

goodbye Amsterdam


  1. Barb: I love Amsterdam-the people are interesting to watch and talk to, the museums are great, and the markets are wonderful. I don't like the food very much there, so I wind up eating either Indian/indonesian food, or pancakes/waffles. I do like the bread and cheeses. We always try to find a church that is having a service there, because they read the Bible in Dutch with such fervor and they always welcome us to take communion with them. They really open their hearts to us.

    1. Oh, that sounds like a wonderful experience! We've really missed the Sunday services on this trip. :( We haven't eaten off the ship here but once I think. They served us mayonnaise with our fries. We asked for catsup and that was an extra charge. lol But I can agree that you can't go wrong with the waffles! We visited the Rijksmuseum last Christmas and it was amazing. However, we barely scratched the surface so it would be nice to go again! We were allowed to take photos there. I took some of the Van Gogh paintings there, but interestingly no one is allowed to take photos inside the Van Gogh museum.

  2. Karen- that Ronnie ‘the old lady in the shoe’ - the nerve, but oh, what a laugh! I think we Americans would be much healthier if we were avid cyclists, too. Less pollution as well. That museum was fascinating- I googled and museum lover that I am - could have spent several days there. All in all, you are constantly broadening the horizon of this Texas gal!

    1. Oh, Karen, you would LOVE the Rijksmuseum!! We visited it last Christmas but were on tour and only had a few special works pointed out to us. One could spend SO much time there! Re: everyone riding bikes - I agree, we would get a lot more exercise and definitely burn more calories. A friend I grew up with married a man from Holland. His mom lived to be 100+ years old and was still riding her bike well into her 90's!

  3. Karen -by the way I was blown away by your ‘breakfast’ fare….did you find out if you were the only ones singled out to receive added items? And it probably was some kids pulling a prank.

    1. No, we never heard if any others experienced the same. But there were quite a few teens onboard so that's what we surmise. I can't see any of the workers pulling something like that - they all need their jobs too much to risk losing them with a silly prank.
