Sunday, August 11, 2024

Instead, a lazy day...


Last evening and all last night we experienced a lot of ship motion due to rough seas (but thankfully not enough to cause nausea). We woke this morning as we were nearing Mariehamn, Finland, only to hear an announcement that the ship would not be able to safely dock due to wind related safety concerns. While it's always disappointing to miss a port, we do appreciate that passenger safety is Oceania's #1 priority. 

So basically we've had a very lazy Sunday. Ronnie is still working on his play writing (same story as his book). I did some work on my computer. I've been promising myself that I would delete photos that I don't need and would never do anything with. I started in the A's and believe it or not, I made it through one folder - Agapanthus! It's ridiculous how many pictures I take! I have literally hundreds of folders and I'm just beginning this task. There's a limit to how many gigabytes my laptop can hold, so I need to keep at it.

This afternoon we both took naps (mine 2.5 hours). So it's been a very restful day for me. Tomorrow we should be in Stockholm, Sweden. We hope to be able to navigate our way to the Vasa Museum and Old Town, but we'll have to keep our eye on the time since All Aboard will be at 4:30 p.m.

I'm sure it's obvious by now that I have a very heavy shutter finger. I take many more photos than I will ever do anything with, much less post. Since there's nothing to write about on a sea day, I'll just post some random photos from the trip so far that didn't make the cut previously. They are in no particular order.

most places (unless really remote) have souvenirs


Walking along inside the port in Estonia we saw this couple getting their picture made. From a distance I thought they were taking marriage photos. As I got closer, I quickly grabbed this shot and when I downloaded it later I realized they were both wearing sunglasses. Surely this was for a sunglass ad.

sunglass commercial?

cornucopia of fruit in ship's cafe

lost my appetite for pork

fuschia, Corner Brook, Nova Scotia

computer store - Gdansk, Poland

a tea shop - Gothenberg, Sweden

yellow mushrooms - Helsinki, Finland

village church - Isafjordur, Iceland

inside Lutheran Church - Kristianland, Norway

 in port in Isafjordur, Iceland

fresh produce - Liepaja, Latvia
bet these are good!


Insignia's dining deck - Nuuk, Greenland

yarn shop - Runavik, Faroe Islands

sheep farm - Runavik, Faroe Islands

some of Alexander Graham Bell notes on his flying machine

bruschetta - Saarema, Estonia

Nuuk Cathedral - Nuuk, Greenland
needlework - Nuuk, Greenland

Isafjordur, Iceland

1 comment:

  1. Barb: oh, that last photo is gorgeous...i can't tell where the mirror image starts!!! You have a great eye, you see beauty and color so well. You actually CAPTURE a memory...not a facsimile. Glad you enjoyed a restful day. Being a tourist is hard work sometimes!
