Saturday, September 27, 2014

Anne Hathaway's Farm

Anne Hathaway (26) married Shakespeare (18) and they went on to have 3 children. After they married, he took her to his family home where they spent the first 5 years of their marriage. Besides the home where Shakespeare grew up, one of the highlights of Stratford-upon-Avon is a visit to the cottage where Anne lived.

Anne Hathaway cottage

Located in the hamlet of Shottery and about a mile from Stratford, this thatched farmhouse is where Anne lived while she and William were courting. Many of the furnishings are still original and the garden itself is worth a visit.

Notice the thatched roof on the cottage. Canopy beds first came into being when someone had the idea to put posts on the 4 corners of the bed and drape fabric across them in order to prevent bugs, rodent droppings and whatever else from falling onto the bed (and into the mouth)! And you thought canopies were just a design feature!

The gardens in front of the cottage contain vegetables as well as flowers and I could have spent my entire time photographing there.

roses glisten in sunny cottage garden

bee's work

interesting pumpkin-like blooms

fireplace provides warmth and heat for cooking

pre-electric heating pads!

Hathaway cottage kitchen


the "Hathaway" bed

detailed carving in headboard

birthing room

boys and servants slept in highest level

some are original furnishings

cooking hearth and brick oven

 8 year old Eliza's sampler - 1839

God moves in mysterious ways
His wonders to perform
He plants his footsteps in the sea
And rides upon the storm.

Judge not the LORD by feeble sense
But trust him for his grace
Behind a frowning providence
He hides a smiling face

There are 3 angels (not pictured here) at bottom whose names are:
Faith           Hope           Justice

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