Saturday, March 4, 2023

Rio's Botanical Gardens

The second part of today's excursion was our visit to Rio’s Botanical Gardens (also known as “Jardim Botanico”) that covers 350 acres. And I felt like we walked all 350 of them! It was obvious that our tour guide has a great interest in botany and he talked excitedly about every single tree we passed! And I have to admit they were quite impressive! 

I had expected to see many different kinds of flowers (we saw only a handful) but he told us about literally every tree that we passed – its history, scientific name, classification, genetics, etc. 

Supposedly, some 140 types of birds and monkeys live in the gardens. I was hoping to see more but the garden was actually peaceful and quiet. Ronnie did manage to get a decent photo of a toucan. The gardens also house an orchid nursery and insect-eating plant house. While it was nice to see someone with that much enthusiasm for their job, by the time we had walked through the entire gardens, I think everyone was worn out!


Fount of the Muses

Notice Ronnie is tucked into the tree's trunk

bamboo - see visitors to get perspective

Ronnie in front of bamboo forest

black billed toucan - see it?

some trees grow as tall as 180 feet! (photo credit: Ronnie)

water lilies ready to bloom

Victoria water lilies

our guide in front of a single tree trunk

“Avenue of Royal Palms”

Usually a guide is quiet on the last half of the trip when everyone is tired but ours continued to talk us all the way back to the ship, pointing out the landmarks and special buildings along the famous 2.5 mile Copacabana Beach. 


Copacabana Palace hosts many celebs

sunset on Copacabana Beach (photo credit: Ronnie)

Copacabana's iconic B&W tile wave pattern

And last but certainly not least, as we were riding the 2.5 mile stretch of beach and snapping photos from the back of the jeep, we turned around to see the sun setting on the top of Mount Corcovado.

Somehow our 4 hour excursion managed to turn into 6 hours and it was dark by the time we returned to the port. We left the jeeps in their specified place and walked the half mile or so back to the ship. All in all, it was a great day, but between the heat, the hiking, 4 wheel riding and walking we were feeling pretty whipped. I came back to our room, showered, washed and dried my hair and ordered room service!


clouds and moon over Copacabana Beach

Christ the Redeemer at sunset on Mount Cocorvado


  1. Growing up in the 1940's I was engrossed in the movies of those days. Bob Hope, Bing Crosby, Doris Day, and Carmen Miranda who probably was Brazilian. They mentioned in song about the beaches of Copacabana and Ipanema.

  2. Copacabana and Ipanema are adjacent beaches but separated by a park. Our guide told us the story about how the poet and songwriter would watch a particular girl walking through the park and how they composed the song on the back of a bar napkin. However, according to this article that's not exactly true. Whatever the story, "The Girl From Ipanema" became the 2nd most recorded song in history next to the Beatle's "Yesterday."

  3. I was just a young teen but "Girl from Ipanema"was on the radio all the time. It was so popular. Time of the Big Band era and jitterbug dancing.

    1. It's been recorded by many different artists since it originally came out in 1962 (according to the internet which is never wrong - haha!) Did you hear it before the early 60's?

  4. The internet is wrong on this one. I heard it in the 1940's. World War 2 radio. Bob Hope time. Ask the people this age on the boat.

  5. Enjoyed the botanical gardens and Ronnie inside the trunk of that gigantic tree.

  6. Gotta love that room service !
    Beautiful gardens!

    1. Yes! They say it's 24/7 but I've yet to call for anything in the middle of the night! LOL!

  7. Spectacular day - incredible gardens. I was just wondering about the diameter of the bamboo trunks and voilà, there is Ronnie in the next picture!!! The guide looked so young to be so well versed in plant life and the buildings as well. I thought we had the market on enormous trees, but those were so unusual as well…0ur internet has been so slow, I have been frustrated about checking medical info so I decided to check your day early…and enjoyed it tremendously!!!!!
    But no doubt you two will sleep 💤 well tonight.

    1. Hi Karen! Yes, he was very young to have so much scientific knowledge in his head re: trees - we would have enjoyed it even more if we hadn't been so tired! haha! Love hearing from you!

  8. AND your last photo the scene of Christ the Redeemer at dusk was breathtaking- such an inspiring sight!

  9. Yes, it truly WAS an inspiring sight! And some people even rent helicopters to get a closer view. Friends here on the ship took the train up there and said there were sooo many people. The statue looks so small in my photos but it is 98 feet tall!

    Thanks for your comments. I miss our texts but as you know we must keep our phones on airplane mode to avoid those roaming charges!

  10. Absolutely beautiful!!! Thank you for sharing! Mom (Karen) thanks for sending me your friend's blog ❤️

    1. I'm so glad your Mom shared my blog with you! I feel like I already know you through her. I've met your sister Julie and always enjoy seeing your Mom's family photos. Thanks for your comments!
