Monday, March 13, 2023

Psalm 19:1

It's Day 58 and we are still resting and recovering from our bout with covid last week. It's the perfect time to be a sea with nothing to do except what we want or need to do. It's been nice to move about the ship a little but even nicer to hibernate in the confines of our cozy room today. 

I haven't felt like writing or even had very much to write about, but occasionally I will step out on the balcony and snap a few photos with my phone. They can never portray the vastness of the wide open ocean and sky with no land or people in sight in any direction!

I can never get enough of this view, and it changes by the day, hour and even sometimes by the minute. These below are from this morning and late afternoon. The color of the water is different depending on the sun and clouds.

How can we not but declare with the Psalmist "The heavens declare the glory of God; the skies proclaim the work of his hands!"




  1. Blue has always been my favorite color. Now I know why.

    1. Love that! (and there are soo many shades of it!)

  2. I just want to grab a cloud! Beautiful☁️💙☁️
