Thursday, March 15, 2012

Hanoi, Day 2

So today was another day of shopping for myself and Anne Weeks. It's frustrating when there are so many bargains to be had, but no way to fit them into your luggage! But that didn't keep us from having fun. We had a nice lunch (Vietnamese spring rolls with crepes for dessert) and after hours of walking, we even felt like we deserved a gelato on the way back to the hotel. We made a full day of it and each egged the other on in what purchases we did make. So many bargains; alas, so little space!! I'm tired tonight so will just post some photos with captions from today. Hope you find them interesting!

family set up on sidewalk mourning a loved one - traditional instruments playing

Our first stop was Craft Link, a non-profit shop that carries handicrafts from rural villages in Vietnam. While browsing, we kept hearing unusual sounding music coming through the open windows. Once outside, we discovered a family mourning a  loved one who must have died recently. Notice the makeshift altar with the picture of the deceased, also the chicken and rice offerings among other things. I wish I could have included the musicians but I was trying to be as discreet as possible, although one of the relatives did step back to allow me to quickly snap this one.

washing ducks on the sidewalk

how many rolls can one bike carry?

young coconuts for sale

fresh meat lies uncovered

tofu saleslady contemplates buying a bra

crossing this street requires careful navigation - and maybe guardian angels!

souvenir dolls for sale

chestnuts roasting in a wok?

motors crowd sidewalks; shoppers walk on street!

pooped cyclo driver catches a few zzz's

 is something out of place here? or is it just me?

movin' it to the street

sidewalk barber


  1. Glad you are have a nice mini vacation and enjoying some new foods without getting sick. What a treat. Enjoy being with your friend - you deserve some fun times! Enjoying the photos as always....

  2. Thanks, Linda! Anne and I did a bike tour this morning - I will have lots of photos to post after that one!! So much for eating good food....we ate very "authentic" today!!
