Tuesday, August 30, 2011

Another Sunday, Another Church

Bandung International Church
It was great getting to visit another church on Sunday, the Bandung International Church. It and the church we visited last Sunday are the only Christian churches in the city that offer services in English. From the crowd, I would say the majority of members are Indonesian with a mix of Chinese and Caucasians (from various countries). The building itself is on the campus of the International School where I suspect a lot of expat kids attend.

The side of the building where the church meets is completely open but really quite pleasant. The music was more contemporary with praise and worship vs traditional  hymns. I couldn't keep from dabbing my eyes during "Alleluia" (worthy is the Lamb, worthy is the Lamb, you are holy, holy, are you Lord God Almighty!), "We Fall Down" and "Great is Thy Faithfulness."
I'll include a link to one of my favorites.  http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=N0IkFSAFyfE

the choir sounded surprisingly good!

I'm guessing it's probably normal when one is as far out of their comfort zone as we are right now to seek out people with whom you feel you have something in common. Come to think of it, that's probably true no matter where we are, but being 12,500 miles from home it seems even more so. We both get excited when we see a Caucasian or even someone who understands "a little bit" of English.

So you can imagine how exciting it was to participate in such a church service, knowing that you share the deepest of bonds - mutual faith in the Lord Jesus Christ - with believers from literally all over the world! I couldn't help but be reminded of Revelation 5 and how awesome it will be when some day people from every nation on the earth who have put their faith in the Lamb - the only one who is worthy to break the seals - will bow down before Him singing these exact words!

International School
altar table with velvet offering bags

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