Wednesday, April 25, 2012

Kartini's Day - Pt 2

In response to pressure from Kartini's polygamist father, she  became the 4th wife of the mayor of Rembang. She let go of her own educational dream but he supported her in starting a school for women. Unfortunately she died only 1 year later a few days after giving birth to a son.

In 1964, President Soekarno named Kartini as an Indonesian Heroine and declared her birthday as an Indonesia National Day. Source (more details).

On Tuesday as Ferry was taking me to the store, we spotted a Kartini celebration with children in Indonesian dress so he stopped to let me take photos (he knows I love to photograph kids).

Let me just say that it takes quite a bit of nerve to walk into the middle of a Muslim celebration uninvited. There is no being subtle about it. My presence couldn’t have been more obvious if I’d had “BULE” written across my forehead in flashing lights. I didn’t know a single person there, didn’t have children or grandchildren in the school and had no invitation or knowledge of what was going on. I just showed up with my camera and got in the whole big middle of it and started taking photos.

Though aware that many curious eyes had settled on me, I proceeded to snap away. I fully expected to be asked to stop (or leave) any second. Sure enough, within a minute or so, a Muslim lady came up to me and started questioning me. I don’t recall a Muslim ever speaking to me in English, except for our sponsor and driver, so that was a big surprise. After an exchange, she apparently deemed me harmless and let me continue snapping.
A fashion show was just starting so I crouched in front of the stage as long as my legs would allow. I wish I could have stayed even longer, but as you can see I did manage to snap quite a few. Initially I was referring to the children's clothes as "costumes" (assuming they were from different Indonesian islands) but Ferry pointed out that they were just Muslim clothes. I had fun playing with some photo software so that is why each one looks a little different. Enjoy!


 And my favorite....(Balinese?)

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