Sunday, July 14, 2024

A Sad Day in America

Like all of you, we watched in horror as former President Donald Trump took a would-be assassin's bullet in his ear just minutes after beginning a campaign speech in Pennsylvania last evening. We were just about to walk out the door to meet another couple for dinner when it happened. It was hard to step away from the TV but we knew they would be waiting for us. I don't think they had heard the news at that point so we didn't speak a word of it at dinner. After a long evening, we returned to our room and watched more news until we flipped off the news around midnight. We thanked God for what could only be His miraculous protection over our former president. It's difficult to let ourselves contemplate how different things would be right now if that bullet had landed just an inch or so away, or the implications of what might be happening today if the bullet had not missed its intended mark. Surely it was God who prevented it.

After a somewhat crummy night's sleep, we arrived in Bar Harbor, Maine early this morning. We were disappointed to learn that there was no Sunday service offered today on the ship, as there was before. Hopefully there will be later. It's a beautiful day here in Bar Harbor so even though we didn't have an excursion planned, we thought we should at least walk around a bit, maybe stroll through some shops and see a few sights. 

The Insignia is too large to dock here, so passengers must be tendered ashore. It was a very smooth ride (unlike some we've experienced on tenders).

It was already hot in the direct sun, but pleasant in the shade. We walked a few blocks and of course I snapped some photos. The flowers in the summer here are gorgeous, but I personally don't think I could bear their below freezing temps in the winter. Being Sunday, most everything (with exception of restaurants and a grocery store) was closed. Ronnie took the opportunity to buy himself a Dr. Pepper 12 pack which he will probably need to ration over the next 7 weeks. 

We tendered back to the ship in time for lunch, then came back to our room for naps. I wanted to upload some photos and write my blog. Here are some of my favorites below.


various boats docked in harbor


rent an electric bike or kayak here

beautiful hanging baskets, store fronts still dressed for July 4th

hydrangeas surround hotel property

Bar Harbor is home to many vacation cottages and rentals

close up hydrangea blooms

need to put plant ID app on my phone!

maroon sails - Aggie owned?

tenders running back and forth from ship to shore

beautiful Insignia welcomes its passengers back on board


ship personnel awaiting tender arrival



  1. Barb: oh it is so pretty there! I love seeing their flowers. Would that my hydrangea would grow like that! The purple flower could be a LooseStrife...but I think it is a type of Vitex. Ours have bloomed here in late April, May, but it sure looks likes one...they might call it Chaste plant there.

    1. No wonder I couldn't identify them - I've never even heard of a LooseStrife or a Chaste plant!?! I'm not surprised that you knew it though. I've seen photos of your yard and beds - gorgeous!!
