Wednesday, November 23, 2011

BAIS Indonesian Culture Day

When I learned this morning that Bandung Alliance Christian School was having its Indonesian Culture Day today, I thought it might be fun to attend. BAIS is where my friend Marcia's son goes and where my other friend Helen (yes, I have 2 friends!) has been coaching basketball. I've been wanting to see the campus anyway so it seemed like the perfect opportunity to visit. Unfortunately I arrived late and missed getting to see the little ones dance. But I did get to sample some of the local dishes and snap a few photos. Below are some of the more colorful shots of the day.

common ingredients found in Indonesian cuisine

young dancers in colorful costume

performing traditional Sundanese dance

accompanied by bamboo instruments

es campur (cham-poor) 

A young woman (above) assembled my dessert - a very traditional Indonesian dish that I had read about and wanted to try. It still seems like such a strange combination of ingredients. There are a lot of recipes for this on the web and it can contain some even more unlikely ingredients than these. Ingredients pictured here are fermented tapioca (at first I thought they were pomegranate seeds), then fresh young (slimy) coconut, chopped mango, dried bread (diced, dry, unflavored), avocado, and shaved ice. This is drizzled with canned milk and a sugary flavored syrup. While it wasn't bad at all, I'm still not sure I understand its popularity here.

unusual combination of ingredients?

celebratory bamboo decorations blowing in the wind

cute friends posing in becak (Indonesian pedicab)

more elaborate bamboo decorations

kids were learning the batik process

wayang gembol puppets
traditional wooden puppets

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