We decided to let Henry sleep in this morning and not rush. It's a balancing act since there is so much to see and do here in a fixed time frame. At the same time, there has to be time to both see and do and rest and relax. So today started off with a quiet morning. Ronnie ran, I worked on my photos and Henry slept in. After we all dressed for the day, we headed out on foot to....3 guesses....that's right....Chick Fila! Again. Unfortunately there is no Chick Fila in Summit County where he lives, so we let him get his fill of it when he's in Texas. We don't complain much, however, because it's not that unusual for us to have it at least once a week ourselves. Luckily, it was only about a block from the condo we're renting.
From there, we took an Uber to the Smithsonian Space and Air Museum. I would say at least half of it was closed for renovation; however, there was still lots to see and we spent probably 2 ore more hours there.
Henry in front of plane his grandfather flew
view from second floor
checking out the cockpit
early hang glider (no thanks!)
lots of visuals and hands on
planets |
lunar roving vehicle
my favorite guys
ever wonder?
now you know!
leaving the museum, we decided to walk around the area a bit. We were close
to the Smithsonian and a street over from the mall with the Lincoln
Memorial on one end and the Capitol on the other. I now understand why
people say it's a lot of walking. It actually wasn't too bad because the
weather was nice. We have been so fortunate to enjoy good weather here,
especially being the last week of December!
US Capitol Building
Washington Memorial in background
were several blocks lined with food trucks serving anything and
everything you can think of. They were doing good business since there
were lots of visitors and locals out and about. After walking up and
down the mall, we were ready to head back so once again we called an
Uber and headed back to the condo.
bought some Lego sets and started to work on them, Ronnie finally found
the ballgame (though he had to watch it on his phone) and once again
I'm on my laptop uploading photos and doing this. All in all, I would
say it's been a good day.
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