Yesterday was our first experience with public transportation. We decided to take the bus to Moreton in Marsh, a busy market town located maybe 4-5 miles from Stow. It's just a short trip down the road, but still too far to walk. There are a couple of buses that can take you there but we decided to try the villager community bus, which only drops off there on market day. When the driver picked us up at the police station. there were only 2 others riding - one a rude guy who works at the cooperative store in the village, the other a sweet little old lady who was very interested in knowing who we were and what we were doing in Stow. As the bus made more stops, it was pretty obvious we were "strangers in these parts" as the other few stops were at homes or farms and everyone else seemed to know each other. It's fun hearing the British talking everyday stuff among themselves.
a friendly proprietor inside Cotswolds Cheese Shop | | | | | | | | |
The roads were narrow and single lane and our only other stop was to wait on a
group of horses and riders to cross in front of us (the rude
guy gave them a hand signal along with instructions). When we arrived and started to pay, the smallest bill Ronnie had was 20 pounds.The driver couldn't make change, so we promised to pay him the
next time we ride. He said he would remember us. No doubt.
Market Day tables set up down middle of the main street | |
a couple share tea and scones at Mrs. T. Potts Tea Room |
Like every day since coming, we needed jackets and kept them on except during lunch. One minute the skies threaten rain; minutes later the sun is shining brightly. We walked through the market, checked out the train station and stopped to pickup maps and info from the tourist center. Being Market Day, the village was getting crowded, so we headed on over to Tilly's Tea Room for an early lunch. It was already full but we lucked out and found a table emptying by the front window. It was the perfect spot for people watching, and we couldn't help notice 2 things - the Brits do love their dogs and there are an awful lot of old people living here. I don't think I've ever seen so many people using canes, walkers or being pushed in wheelchairs all in one place!
Tripadvisor gives Tilly's a 4.5 star rating |
Since it was the first tea room we've visited since coming here, I felt I should eat something decidedly British, so I ordered the Cornish Pasty and hot tea (they don't offer iced tea here) and it was actually quite tasty. For dessert, I couldn't resist a dip of strawberries with clotted cream ice cream (I recommend it). We enjoyed our first little excursion outside the village.
undermentioned tolls, posted on main street, 1905 |
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