Monday, February 27, 2012

Nu Art Gallery

entrance to gallery
Last week my friends and I discovered a hidden gem right here in Bandung – the Nu Art sculpture park and gallery. Normally I’m not over-the-top excited about art galleries, but this was one really quite interesting. Located in the northern part of the city and opened in 2000, the sculpture park employees about 50 local residents. The artist Nyoman Nuarta grew up in Bali but moved to Bandung where his large home overlooks the almost 7.5 acre sculpture park.

face of a Balinese deity awaits the rest of his body

job description -  hammer material into cube shapes for later use

depicts speed, represents one biker
Many large sculptures are displayed throughout the grounds, while the inside gallery houses Nuarta's earliest paintings up to his most current sculptures. His works are very diverse and he addresses a wide range of subjects, with one even depicting the attack on the World Trade Center. Unfortunately, photographs were not allowed inside so the only ones shown here are from the park grounds. The complex also houses a restaurant along with a craft boutique that offers the artist's miniature artworks as well as a variety of local and international crafts. Nuarta uses many interesting materials to craft his creations including wire, mesh, copper, bronze and porcelain.

discarded and forgotten

castaway sleeping among volunteer impatiens

The most surprising part of our visit occurred when we meandered around behind the gallery building and found many artists hard at work, creating the visions of the artist himself. Some of the projects were unbelievably large in scope!

angel sculpture

retired but still beautiful

royalty in for repair

what if your job was to hammer all day?
Behind the work area is a river and a waterfall that cuts the park in two. As we continued toward the river, we discovered a number of discarded works, deteriorated by exposure and time.

What a talented man Nyoman Nuarta is! Can you imagine having  so many creative ideas that you need the help of 50 people working full time to bring them to fruition?

young Indonesian girl dancing/singing

one of many large sculptures in the park 

mossy walkway


  1. Yes, this was quite interesting! Thanks for sharing.................Ellie

  2. Beautiful. Would loved to have seen his smaller works. Amazing variety.

  3. Thanks, Linda! Wish I could have photographed inside!
