Saturday, June 24, 2023

Hokodate (Hokkaido), Japan - pt 2

I took too many photos today so I'm breaking this into 2 parts. After leaving the park, we traveled back to the port. Across the street from the cruise terminal was a fish market so I did a quick walk through there before heading back to the ship for lunch. I always find fish markets interesting, so naturally, I took more photos.

The drive back gave us a nice view of the lush green countryside. I would loved to have taken more photos, but as I've said before, it's a huge challenge to take a decent photo through a bus window while flying down the highway. Rather than city life, it was much more agricultural than the other places we've visited in Japan and we could see many crops growing along with green houses.


lots of forested land and agriculture in this area

kids practicing martial arts on pier

Mr. Squid points the way to the Fish Market

squid shredding machine

fresh crab - your pick

fresh crab for sale

colorful store front in the fish market

ever seen inside a sea urchin?

lunch to go

corners are prime retail space

fishmonger at work

I'm lookin' at you

get your fresh seafood here

Hokodate Cruise Port

view from our balcony

This afternoon as we were leaving, some of the locals climbed to the top of the ship docked next to us and gave us a warm send-off, waving their hands and flags until we were out of sight. So the Japanese people have given us friendly “goodbyes” as well as friendly “hellos.”


locals wave goodbye to Insignia



  1. Bharberts: I would like to go to Hokkaido. My Japanese friends say it is so beautiful there. I never have seen the squid shredder! Can you buy the plate lunch and they cook it for you with a side of rice?
    Japanese rice cookers are the best. Since families eat rice every meal, manufacturers have made it a no-brain device. Of course, most of them like short grain, stickier rice than we do in Texas and Louisiana. What a pleasant send off, and how nice you can use your balcony more again. Texas is waiting to welcome y'all home.

    1. It is beautiful and I'm sure you would love it. We didn't eat there but most of these fish markets have tables where you can sit down and eat there. Even the 7-11's have pre-made meals and they will microwave them for you! Yes about the rice! I think their rice must be jasmine? We had a Japanese meal onboard tonight and it seems like a lot of their stuff is sticky - I'm thinking of their desserts that are glutenous. You'd have to get used to that texture!

  2. Everything is so bright and colorful. Their crabs are huge - nothing like I used to trap! And laughed at ‘here’s looking at you!!!
    I loved their welcoming and farewells! It make me think they are grateful for travelers that add to their economy!

  3. I would love to see a photo of you trapping crabs! Yes, some of them were HUGE! We both enjoyed Japan a lot; the Japanese people are so warm and welcoming!
