I really intended to post photos I took on our last Sunday in Bandung before we left but unfortunately things got a little crazy those last couple of days. Some months back I had offered Ferry (driver) and Ibu Aisah (cleaning lady) to photograph their children/grandchildren. There's nothing like waiting till the last possible minute, so on Sunday after church, we met our friends Helen and Dan for lunch and goodbyes and then rushed to pick up Ibu Aisah and her cucus (grandchildren) and meet Ferry's wife and son at the zoo.
Of course it rained hard after lunch causing me to doubt whether or not our photo shoot would actually take place. But by the time we finally arrived the rain had stopped, leaving an overcast sky which produced exactly the light I needed. I was able to follow the kids around at a distance (thanks to my telephoto lens) and after purchasing some bubble pistols, they kind of forgot about the bule trailing them and started to loosen up a bit and enjoy the zoo.
As you can see, the children are beautiful. Sekar (Ibu Aisah's oldest granddaughter) was shy and kept looking back at me over her shoulder. Baby Sis Plika didn't seem to be bothered by my presence one way or the other. Ferry's little boy (22 months old) was leery at first but forgot about me as soon as he learned how to shoot bubbles. All in all, I was very pleased with the way the photos turned out and since my time was short, Ferry was kind enough to transfer all of them to DVD for both families to do with as they wished. Hope you enjoy them!
Sekar (Ibu Aisah's oldest cucu) |
Lil' Sis |
Plika (Ibu Aisah's youngest cucu) |
Ibu Aisah, Plika, Sekar and paternal grandmother |
Sekar | | | | |
loved the bubbles! |
"Caca Tua" |
nickname Caca Tua (as in cockatoo) |
Ferry and family |
Beautiful pictures, Jan, but I'm not surprised. You had great subjects too! Ellie