Today I'm sharing some photos that I took over the weekend. I'll post and then comment on each one. Hopefully after viewing them you can see why I chose the title above.
look at me, I'm driving a motor! |
The photo above definitely falls into the "good" category. What could be cuter? I am continually amazed at the many ways Indonesians come up with to make money. I've seen these bicycle powered "carnival rides" before but haven't been able to grab a shot until now. This "ride operator" happened to be on a street that allowed me to stop for a quick shot. As he peddles, the music plays and the cars move. Pretend you're 3 - this could be Disneyland for all she knows!
wedding banner |
These are commonly seen when there is a wedding in a neighborhood. They announce "just married" to the city. They are fashioned from palm leaves and bamboo. Congrats to the happy couple!
o happy day! |
Yes, I realize I'm probably the only person who could get excited about a birdcage but I saw his cages last September and have talked myself out of one at least a dozen times since. Finally I decided to buy one and have it shipped home. Ferry (our driver) is talking details with Stephano, a skilled birdcage maker and breeder. In 2 weeks, we will pick up my cage, built to specs. Yahoo!!
Stephano also breeds canaries - beautiful!! |
In Indonesia, the "a" is pronounced like "ah" so they call these little birds ca-NAR-ies. Love them!! Eggs are laid and hatched on consecutive days - good planning! 2 down, 2 to go...
1 day & 2 day old babies - 2 more to hatch |
mama bird sitting on the nest |
A little girl "driving" a motor, a wedding celebration and a handmade canary cage - all of the above definitely fall into the "good" category!
family outing |
In our time here, I've seen five-somes on motors several times, but never had my camera handy to grab a good shot until today. Ferry tells me that there are sometimes as many as six but I've yet to see that for myself. Notice only the parents are wearing helmets. I'm putting this one under the "bad" category for obvious reasons.
tukang jamu |
I'm not sure why I'm so fascinated with the jamu people. You may recall I did a post on them awhile back and I actually surprised myself and tasted jamu last weekend in Jakarta. These medicine men and women peddle their potions on foot, by bike, motor or cart. Because I've now tasted it, this photo is also going under the "bad" category.
young children playing near busy intersection |
This one definitely goes on my "bad" list. Ferry informed me this week when I was snapping photos of a monkey at an intersection that Indonesians sometimes rent monkeys for a day to work an intersection (the monkeys are trained to entertain and their owner/manager gets the proceeds). And then he added that not only do people rent monkeys, they also rent babies in order to "look more sad" at the intersections and collect more handouts. Today as we were driving home, I commented how dangerous it was for these 2 babies to be playing on the median of a busy intersection. He commented that they were "rented" by the elderly woman he saw standing nearby. Dear God, please protect these innocent children!
rat #19 |
Forgive me in advance, but if you've made it this far, you'll definitely agree with me that THIS is the "ugly." Yes, the perspective makes him appear larger than he actually was but trust me when I say he was big enough. This is the second this week and the third one is awaiting removal, hopefully tomorrow.