I sometimes wonder what foreigners find strange about Americans when they come to the US. I'm sure whatever it is, it's most likely something we don't even notice about ourselves. I think the same in true when we as Americans visit other countries. We notice even small things that to us may seem a bit peculiar, while the people of that culture think nothing of them whatsoever.

For example, one thing I noticed the first time we went to China was the way Asians squat. They can be doing nothing at all, and they apparently are more comfortable in a squatting position than they are standing. Maybe it's because I'm getting old and am not all that limber, but squatting to me is not what I would consider a comfortable position to spend time in. I'm not sure why Asians find this position so comfortable, but we see it literally everywhere. Of course Asians in general are very thin but I still am not sure why they enjoy resting in a squatted position. I've noticed that even children do this and women too, though less often than men.

Almost every man that is not working can be seen in a squatted position. I feel quite certain that this is something Asians do without a lot of conscious thought. In addition to squatting, almost every Indonesian male smokes cigarettes. So the only thing I see more often than men squatting, is men squatting with a cigarette in hand.
While I realize this topic is not exciting or perhaps even all that interesting, it's just something that I can't help but notice - a lot. I mean, when is the last time you saw an American man squat? I'm not saying that they can't or never do, but it's not a common sight in the US like it is in Asia. I also find myself wondering what other things they do that would seem strange to us (if we knew), as well as what things we do that would seem strange to them? Hmm...
'asian squat'...I like it. But it is not just a regular squat, it is unique and a very difficult full squat where they literally touch the ground. Can't even get close to doing it...and you are correct, I think it is the most natural and comfortable position for them. I wish I could do it but I think I would fall backwards on my head.
ReplyDeleteI noticed that squat in Indonesia too and never thought it was comfortable, even as a teen ager.