would you like a ride? |
The people I'm introducing to you today are just normal people going about their normal lives. They are very representative of the people we see on the street every day as we are out and about in the city.
we'll just take our birds and leave. peace. |
school children in uniform |
brooms anyone? |
study in contrasts |
Have I mentioned that Bandung is Indonesia's third largest city? There is never a shortage of people to photograph! Because of Bandung's elevation (and resulting mild weather) people seem to spend most of their time outdoors. At least it feels that way! Because I enjoy taking photos of people, I pretty much have as many subjects as I can point my camera at! Of course that's easier said than done when I spend most of my time about the city in the back seat of a car! But I grab what I can get and I share ones that I hope you will enjoy.
young girls share a snack |
boys begin smoking here at a very young age |
Ronnie made friends at Cipaku pool | | | | |
sidewalk sweeper |
banana man |
The monkey and its owner (below) entertained at an intersection for us today. I snapped a few shots and dropped some change through the car window into his bucket. After we drove off, I asked Dadang if this kid was still in school. In his pitiful English, he managed to tell us that the boy does not go to school. He speculated that his family was "broken" and he was on his own. Sadly, it is not unusual for a child this age to be working rather than going to school.
street side entertainers |
Your blog makes me smile every day. You take amazing pictures. We appreciate you sharing your journey and educating us about how others live and survive.