graffiti in Bahasa? |
Graffiti, or street art as it is sometimes called, can be seen on the streets of Bandung just as it can in any large city. Today as we walked to the bookstore, I snapped these photos along the sidewalk. I'm not sure what it is about boys and spray paint, but Indonesian teens are apparently no different from teens in other countries as far as their desire to express themselves, whether artistically, politically or for whatever purpose they may have.
Knowing little about graffiti, I googled and found the following on wikipedia.Graffiti is the name for images or lettering scratched, scrawled, painted or marked in any manner on property. Graffiti is any type of public markings that may appear in the forms of simple written words to elaborate wall paintings.
i have no idea |
In most countries, marking or painting property without the property owner's consent is considered defacement and vandalism, which is a punishable crime. Sometimes graffiti expresses social and political messages and a whole genre of artistic expression is based upon spray paint graffiti styles. To some, it is an art form worthy of display in galleries and exhibitions; to others it is merely vandalism.
whutizit? |
no deciphering necessary |
electro crun |
I feel quite certain there are much better examples of graffiti/lettering/artwork in a city this size, some of which might demonstrate considerable talent, but I think the ones here are more an example of just plain old vandalism.
police are pigs? |
what can I say? yuck... |
more stylistic version of above message |
name of a gang? |
just marking territory?